Signaturit's dashboard gathers every feature in one main screen so that you can navigate in a faster and intuitive way through each one of them.
You'll be able to browse through all the features and products by using the left bar:
Here we explain you each category that you'll find from the main window:
Find here all your signature requests and your certified emails. You can filter by state ("In Progress", "Completed" or "All requests") or by type of certification: "Advanced signature", "Simple signature" or "Certified email".
Click on a document to enter into its details.
Click here to know more about a document's detail window.
Archived requests:
This feature, which is available under "Documents", allows you to organize your dashboard and hide those documents that don't interest you. Due to legal reasons, it's not possible to delete a document and we have to keep it for at least 5 years.
The requests will move from "Documents" to the "Archived deliveries" category.
Click on the three dots menu to unfold the most common actions, including restoring the requests to its original status.
Check here to know how to manage your archived deliveries.
Certified files:
Use "Certified files" to certify all the files or documents that are important for you. This way, we protect the integrity and the legal validity of the documents.
Inside the "Certified files" feature, you'll find the "Alerts" section. Apply an alert to your documents so that you are remembered and aware of the most important dates that affect your documents: deadlines, renewals, etc.
Check out these guides that explain how to certify a file and add alerts.
Digital Certificates:
Click on the "Certificates" menu to open the different options: upload a certificate, manage your certificates o delete your certificates.
Go here to know all about the Digital Certificates feature.
Click on the "Team" menu to open the different sections: Members, Groups and Statistics.
Click on Contacts to add and see all your contacts. Contacts will be added automatically when you send a document to be signed.
You can manually add contacts or import them directly from another account.
Upper bar:
The upper bar allows you to check the credits available and access the configuration menu via the profile photo.