If you want to send a document with a simple signature, you must take into account the difference between the two, since the simple signature is less valid than the advanced signature and does not include the graph (drawing of the signature), but you simply click on "Accept terms and conditions".
Electronic advanced signature vs simple signature
Click on "New request", located at the top of the main dashboard bar:
Select the request type "simple signature":
Upload the file you want to send:
Choose the widgets you want to add to the document for each signer and click on "configure request":
In this article you can find more information about the available widgets and how to configure them: Configure your template's widgets
Important: with the simple signature mode it is not possible to include the signature box widget or the digital certificate signature widget, since it does not include the possibility of signing biometrically (with the graph). Also note that it is not mandatory to add widgets to the document.
Configure the name and email of the signer(s) and click on "send document":
With these simple steps you will have sent a simple signature through Signaturit.
It is now also possible to send in parallel for simple signature, as well as to add validator, recipient in copy and authentication by images or SMS.
If your dashboard is different this means your license is a legacy license. Contact peticiones@signaturit.com to know more about this.
If you want to send a document with a simple signature, you must take into account the difference between the two, since the simple signature is less valid than the advanced signature and does not include the graph (drawing of the signature), but you simply click on "Accept terms and conditions".
Electronic advanced signature vs simple signature
Click on "New request", located at the top of the main dashboard bar:
Select the request type "simple signature":
Upload the file you want to send:
Choose the widgets you want to add to the document for each signer and click on "configure request":
In this article you can find more information about the available widgets and how to configure them: Configure your template's widgets
Important: with the simple signature mode it is not possible to include the signature box widget or the digital certificate signature widget, since it does not include the possibility of signing biometrically (with the graph). Also note that it is not mandatory to add widgets to the document.
Configure the name and email of the signer(s) and click on "send document":
With these simple steps you will have sent a simple signature through Signaturit.
You can also follow these steps to follow the interactive guide that will show you how to change the application language by clicking here for direct access.
Remember: this option is available for the new Business, Business Plus and Enterprise licenses.
Any doubts or questions? Write us at support@signaturit.com,we are here to help!