Send a document using the electronic advanced signature from your control panel in Signaturit in less than 60 seconds: Click on the green button "New request", in the top left menu bar.
and choose "Advanced signature":
Remember that you can upload more than one document per request. Follow this steps to learn how to do it.
Upload your document to Signaturit or choose from a template that you have already created.
Choose the number of signers and other fields that you want the document to contain. Remember that it will need to contain at least 1 Signature widget per signer.
To place any widget in a document, simply drag and drop them from the right menu on to the document, like so:
Click on Send Document to add the last details.
In the event that the documents are to be sent in sequential mode, it is important to take into account the order in which they are sent so that they arrive as stipulated. In the event that all signers are configured and you need to change the order of some of them, you can do this by following the steps in the following animation, without having to start the configuration again from scratch:
Add a personalised message, including more recipients in CC and add more authentication options, if you would like.
For an extra level of security, remember that you can require that the signer completes one or more extra authentication steps. Learn more about our Authentication Methods.
When you finish, click on the green button Send request to finish sending it.
You can also follow these steps to follow the interactive guide that will show you how to change the application language by clicking here for direct access.
If your dashboard is different this means your license is a legacy license. Contact to know more about this.