A Digital Certificate is a document identifying an individual or a legal person and a public key that has been assigned to perform a signature and/or encryption operations. This is essential for Public Institutions to offer secure services on the Internet.
At Signaturit, we always try to adapt to your needs. This is why, from now on you will be able to use your Digital Certificate to sign documents as well.
If you have a Signaturit account you can upload it to our platform following the next steps:
First of all you, will need to log in and choose Certificates on the menu shown on the left-hand side:
Click on Add New to start uploading:
While uploading a Digital Certificate to the dashboard, it is always mandatory to enter the certificate's password and indicate if you want to request the password in every signature process. You also can add a description to quickly identify the multiple available certificates.
Now you have the certificate ready to use in the signature request you will receive from other Signaturit users.
From the Certificates management section, you can also remove them. Note: all pending documents that must be signed with this certificate will be canceled if you remove it:
Important: instead of the handwritten signature, in the documents signed with digital certificate the following information will be stamped:
- Name of the signer as it appears in the Digital Certificate.
- Name of the Digital Certificate.
- Date and time of signature.
Example of watermark stamped on the document signed with digital certificate:
- As it will be shown at the moment of signing:
- As it will be shown in the signed document:
Here you have an example with a signature done from a mobile device:
The certificates you can use to sign with this method need to be in a .pfx or .p12 format.
Questions? You can email support@signaturit.com. We are here to help!