A frequent concern of our customers when using electronic signatures is: what happens if the signer's electronic signature is not exactly the same as their handwritten signature?
To this end, it is important to bear in mind the following: for an electronic signature to be valid, it is not necessary for it to be exactly the same as the signer's handwritten signature. This is because the electronic device used to sign is not the same as the paper one, and therefore the electronic signature can be altered if it is compared to a handwritten signature.
However, and in the same way, two handwritten or electronic signatures made by the same person can be different to each other (for example, the means used, the circumstances of the signature, the signer's state of mind, among other issues, can affect the way in which the signature is made and the final result).
In this sense, for the electronic signature to be valid, it will be sufficient for the signer to be the one who performs it and, in this way, gives his or her consent.
It is important to note that within the audit trail or evidential document, Signaturit collects the device used by the signer at the time of signing. In this sense, in the event of a possible rejection of a signature, the signer will be asked to sign repeatedly under the same conditions as the initial one, that is, using the same device so that a calligraphic expert can analyse the speed, acceleration and pressure exercised by the signer to determine the authorship of the original signature.
In line with what has been mentioned previously, the electronic signature will be analysed by an expert or expert as it would be done in the case of a handwritten signature repudiation, with the advantage that the expert will have additional elements (biometric data collected by Signaturit at the time of signing) to carry out the corresponding analysis which will determine the authorship of the contested signature.
It is also important to remember that in addition to the biometric data relating to the signer's network, Signaturit obtains additional identifying elements (such as geolocation, date and time of signature, IP of the device used, OTP code, etc.) which can be analysed together with the corresponding expert report to confirm who signed the document in question.
Therefore, whether or not the electronic signature is substantially similar to the signer's handwritten signature is not decisive, nor does it affect the validity of the signature in question, since the signer's biometric data can be analysed independently of the final result of the signature performed.