Signaturit's advanced electronic signature meets the requirements of Article 26 of the eIDAS Regulation as follows:
1) In order to guarantee that the signature is associated with a sole signer, the document is sent to the email address of the relevant signer;
2) In order to identify the signer, we obtain the IP addresses of origin and destination of the request, the date/time of the signature; and the biometric data of the signer's graph (pressure, speed and acceleration). In addition, we can request a second authentication, such as an OTP code that is sent to the signer's mobile phone, or request a selfie and/or photo of the signer's ID so that the validity can be determined by applying OCR technology. These additional elements serve to reinforce the evidence to identify the signer;
3) Full control of the signature is guaranteed by the possibility that we grant the signer to sign the document through any device with an internet connection (computer, tablet, mobile); and
4) We prevent any subsequent change in the signature guaranteeing the absolute integrity and inalterability of the document. To guarantee the absolute integrity, we encrypt the document and include a time stamp that ensures that the document has not been modified from the moment it was signed.